Cawston Grange Staff
Leadership Team
Mrs K Worthington - Headteacher
Mrs N Brookes - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs C Brand - School Business Manager
Miss J Highfield - EYFS lead
Mrs V Wesson - KS1 phase leader, English lead
Mr A Turk - KS2 phase leader, science lead
Mrs J Jones - Maths lead
Mrs C Paterson - SENDCO
Miss A Williams - Early Reading Lead
Admin and Support Team:
Mrs J Walsh - Admin Assistant
Mrs A Tilley - Admin Assistant
Mrs N New - Child and Family Support
Our Class Teachers:
Miss A Williams - Dolphins (reception)
Miss J Highfield - Penguins (reception)
Mrs J Jones - Butterflies (year 1)
Mrs L Mawby - Red Pandas (year 1)
Mrs V Wesson/Miss L Bradley - Zebras (year 2)
Mrs A Dix/Mrs N Brookes - Hedgehogs (year 2)
Mrs E Luntley - Tigers (year 3)
Mrs R Sharma - Ocelots (year 3)
Mr J Keith - Snow Leopards (year 4)
Mrs K Ridgley/Mr A Turk - Brown Bears (year 4)
Mr D Thomas - Turtles (year 5)
Miss G Elward - Lemurs (year 5)
Mr J Pate - Jaguars (year 6)
Mrs S Jones - Polar Bears (year 6)
Our Learning Support Team:
Mrs L Bateman
Mrs N Bhoot
Mrs J Brown
Mrs N Bryan
Miss J Cleaver
Mr M Clements
Miss E Daniel
Mrs R Foster
Mrs L George
Mrs K Ward
Miss J Hall
Mrs R Hill
Mrs D Hubbard
Mrs L Hussain
Mrs D Jacobs
Mrs J Kesic
Mr S Kimberley
Mrs C Lloyd
Mrs J Lyon
Mrs L O'Keefe
Mrs L Petts
Miss Z Reeve
Mrs A Scrace
Mrs K Sneath
Mrs L Speck
Mrs P Sseykanzi
Mrs C Suttling
Mrs H Taylor
Mrs L Taylor
Mrs J Thorndycraft
Mrs M Tucker
Mrs J Yang
Additional Teaching Staff:
Mrs C Waghorn - PPA
Mrs L Smith - French
Lunchtime Team:
Mrs D Chibondo - Opal Play Lead
Mrs J Brown - Senior Midday Supervisor
Mrs L Coleman
Miss D Lane
Mrs S Webb
Miss H Whelan
Mrs J Yang
Premises Team:
Mr N Tsvetklov - Caretaker
Mrs K Jadav - Cleaner
Mrs L Coleman - Cleaner
Miss G Friel - Cleaner
Mrs C Gains - Cleaner