Design and Technology
Our Design and Technology Champion - Technologist Tia
Our curriculum intent is underpinned by the National Curriculum and Cornerstones. Subject Leaders have worked hard to ensure learning is based in meaningful contexts, that build upon each other as children progress through school.
The most important element of our school is that pupils are challenged, supported, prepared and happy learners.
Our curriculum:
Written by Cornerstones, brought to life by our teachers.
Our Intent:
It is the intent of Cawston Grange Primary School for Design and Technology to be an inspiring, creative subject that prepares children for the rapidly changing world around them!
We intend for all children to combine their technical and practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues when creating a purposeful product for a particular person or group. By providing a rich curriculum that includes diverse designers, creators and products from multiple different places around the world, our pupils will gain a deep understanding and respect for a wide variety of cultures. Children are encouraged to draw on their knowledge of literacy, mathematics, science, computing, art and their understanding of the world around them to select and use appropriate materials and techniques in designing and making their products. As we live in a diverse and ever-changing world, our Design and Technology projects allow children to be creative and reflective thinkers when designing products that can make an impact on their own lives and the lives of people within their community.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Design is about knowing which ones to keep."
- Scott Adams