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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship


Our Champion of Maths - Number Ninja Nisha

Mathematics at Cawston Grange Primary School


Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.


Our mathematics vision is to strengthen and deepen the children's

mathematical understanding through a mastery approach.


At Cawston Grange Primary School, we aim to make children’s learning in mathematics relevant, practical, creative, exciting and engaging. At Cawston Grange Primary School we aim not only to prepare our children for the next stage of their education, but also to lay the foundations for successful lives after school. We aim for children to achieve their fullest potential in this subject and leave us equipped to apply themselves confidently and wholeheartedly to future challenges.


"Everyone can learn Maths to the highest level."     "Mistakes are valuable."      "Questions are important."

Asking our children about Maths is really important to making sure we are getting it right....and from our pupil voice in summer 2023, the children have lots of great ideas about what Maths is!

Exploring numbers, measures and patterns in Reception!

Year 5 reinforcing place value with numbers to 1 million - Sept 2022

Year 4 investigating symmetry - June 2022

4th February 2022: We have been celebrating National Number Day and supporting the NSPCC by doing all things number!!

Year 3 Tigers have really enjoyed celebrating Number Day with sudoku, number art and a number quiz! They also estimated how many cubes we could throw into a box in 1 minute and it was 43!

Year 3 Ocelots had great fun celebrating National Number day. The children enjoyed playing Sudoku, making portraits out of numbers and guessing how many star jumps Miss Pathak could do in a minute!

Year 1 Butterflies have been creating lots of numbers today in so many different representations. We didn't realise so many of our games were all about numbers! Super dressing up too by coming as digit!

Snow Leopards Outdoor Maths

Coin Catch challenge - How many coins can Mr Turk catch in a minute?

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... and for the finale....

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Brown Bears Having Fun with Numbers on National Number Day!

and more fun with numbers outside....

HUGE thank you for all your support for Number Day.  We raised over £300 for the NSPCC! 

Year 3 Ocelots had great fun recognising, counting and ordering Money! 24.1.22

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Year 4 Dividing 3 digits by 1 with remainders - Jan 2022

19.11.21- Year 3 Tigers class exploring multiplication using a range of methods and resources.

Year 1 Maths in the Nature Classroom

Red Pandas created some of their own Maths problems in the Nature classroom. The sticks represented 2. The apples represented 5. What number was represented altogether? Can you work it out? These Red Pandas did!

In Year 6, we investigated vertically opposite angles and calculated angles around a point.

In Year 2, Zebras have been measuring with metres and centimetres.

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In Year 2, the Hedgehogs enjoyed going on a 3D shape hunt!

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Year 4 identifying acute, right and obtuse angles

Year 4 solving two-step money problems (with some of us pretending to be shopkeepers)

Year 5 applying their fraction knowledge to reasoning and problem solving questions. 2019-2020

Year 3 using their money skills to create a 3 course menu with a budget of £6. 2019-2020

Year 2 - Sorting Data 2019-2020

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Mathematical learning through play in Reception