School Uniform
We expect all of our pupils to wear smart school uniform as we believe this encourages them to take pride in our school. All of the items on the list are available from most high street supermarkets. There is no expectation that the items worn are branded with our school logo, but if parents choose to purchase branded items this can be ordered online via our supplier Webb Ellis via the following link or in store at 5&6 St. Matthew’s Street, Rugby, CV21 3BY. Our PTA also have a range of quality second hand uniform which is sold at events regularly throughout the year or contact Mrs New 01788 816820 or email:
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
Royal blue jumper/cardigan (with or without school logo)
Pale blue or white polo shirt (with or without school logo)
Royal blue summer dress (Summer term and first half of Autumn term)
White or grey socks/tights
Black shoes (low heeled and enclosed toes)
Any warm coat can be worn in colder weather
Children in reception to year 4 will need a PE kit in a bag which is kept in school. Year 5 and 6 are asked to wear PE kit to school on their PE days (twice a week).
White T-shirt or polo shirt
Navy/black shorts, PE skirt or skort
Navy/black track suit in colder weather
Plimsolls or Trainers
Pupils should wear their usual school uniform top and their PE jogging bottoms on days when they are using the nature classroom along with suitable footwear. An old pair of black or navy leggings can also be worn.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school with the exception of watches and stud earrings. These must be removed for P.E. Please provide a small box/container for earrings.
Long hair must be tied back at all times (preferably blue hair bands).
In wet or snowy conditions children should wear wellington boots and have a spare pair of shoes to change into.
All articles should be clearly named
A book bag or small rucksack is advised to carry belongings to and from school