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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Special Education Needs & Disabilities

At Cawston Grange Primary School, we have three core aims that underpin all aspects of our life at school: excellence, respect and friendship.  We aim for all our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to have a breadth of opportunity that opens their eyes to the world around them. 

Who do I speak to if I have concerns about my child and their needs in school?


The first person to speak to about any concerns you may have about your child is their class teacher, who will always be happy to arrange a time to speak to you. 


You or your child’s class teacher may decide that further support is needed, in which case the school’s SENDCO, Mrs Paterson, is available to offer further advice and help.  Mrs Paterson joined Cawston Grange in 2022, having previously been SENDCO at another Rugby school, and works with multiple different agencies to ensure that each child gets the support they need during their time at Cawston Grange.  She can be contacted directly by emailing, or by calling/requesting via the school office that she make contact with you.  She is always willing to help, and will try to find a time to speak with you as soon as possible. 


To find out more about how we support our pupils with SEND, please feel free to read the following key documents:

How can I access support for my child’s SEND in Warwickshire?


Information about support for children with SEND in Warwickshire is available on the Local Authority’s ‘Local Offer’ website, which can be found here: This includes information about free courses on supporting children with different needs at home, support that can be accessed across the county outside of school, and what support Warwickshire schools can provide to children with SEND. 


Further information and useful webinars are available on the Warwickshire County Council SEND Youtube channel, which can be found here:


Warwickshire County Council also publish a regular newsletter about developments in SEND across the area, which can be found here:


The Family Information Service (FIS) is another great source of information and support in Warwickshire, and can be found here:


SEND Parents Warwickshire is an excellent resource which offers advice about a range of needs:

Where can I get further support for my child with Autism?


The Community Autism Support Service (CASS) offer a range of services for families with a child with autism, including youth groups, parenting advice and various therapies.  Parents can self-refer their child.  For further information, see the service website here:


In addition, Rugby Autism Network is a local charity providing support and friendship to families in lots of different ways.  Further details are available here:

Where can I get advice about my child’s mental health?


If you are concerned about your child’s mental health, your child’s class teacher will be able to offer support or direct you to either Mrs Brookes (the school’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing lead) or Mrs Paterson (SENDCO) for further advice.


You can complete an online assessment of your child’s difficulties by using the RISE Dimensions tool, which can be found here:  This is quick assessment which can help you to identify areas that your child is struggling with, and offers advice and signposting for further help for any needs it may identify. 


If you feel that your child is in a mental health crisis and at immediate risk, you can contact the Crisis Team at for further advice. 

Where can I get further independent advice about my child’s SEND and rights?


SENDIASS offer independent advice and support for parents of children with SEND, including support to understand what local support is available and how to access it.  This can be found here:

We are proud to support Warwickshire Schools' Inclusion Charter

Other relevant information:

School SENCo: Mrs C Paterson (01788 816820)

SEN Governor: Mr G Russell


Local Authority’ Local Offer:

Refer to or click here.