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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

The Nest

The Nest Learning Web Spring Term 1 – January 2019

The Nest


The Nest is the home of the Nurture Group, set up in January 2018. The Nurture Group is a group of up to eight pupils who attend four afternoons a week for one to four terms. The Nurture Group continues the ethos of an already nurturing environment within Cawston Grange Primary School for children who will benefit from extra support to help them learn in the classroom.

The Nest is designed to have the best of both a classroom and a home environment. It has areas for play, circle time, quiet time, learning, games and eating where children sit together and share snack that they have helped to prepare.

The children in the Nest follow a structured programme that includes circle time, relaxation, cooking, story time, learning activities, talking about feelings, preparing and sharing food.