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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Polar Bears – Year 6

Work for Monday and Tuesday wb 18th July

Good Morning Year 6, 

Happy Monday to you all! We hope you had a fantastic weekend. It’s the final week of term (your last at primary school L) and also the warmest. We hope you are staying safe. Please remember to apply sun cream and to drink lots of water.  

Attached are some activities to complete for today and tomorrow if you would like to. 


For English there are two activities.  

  1. We would like you to write down your memories of each year you have been at Cawston. This is so it can possibly be read out in the leavers assembly on Wednesday. This could be about something you have learnt, a trip etc. 
  2. We would also like you to write a letter to the current Year 5 pupils. This is to tell them what Year 6 is like. What tips do you have not just to thrive but also to survive the year? What have been your highlights?  


Please see the attached Cinema investigation and answers. Please mark these yourselves.  

As well as these activities, please don’t forget to go on Doodle and complete some activities on there.  

Have a wonderful day and stay safe! 


Mr Daniel and Mrs Jones

Spring One Knowledge Organiser - Russia

Autumn Two -Year Six Knowledge Organiser - WWII

Year 6 Information Newsletter

Autumn One Year Six Knowledge Organiser - WWI