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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Jaguars – Yr 6

Jaguars' Knowledge Organiser Summer Two Term -June 2021

Jaguars’ Knowledge Organiser Summer Term 1 - April 2021

Jaguars' Knowledge Organiser Fairtrade -Summer Term One

Jaguars' Knowledge Organiser Spring Two - The Aztecs

Jaguars' Spring One Knowledge Organiser -January 2021

Jaguars’ Knowledge Organiser Autumn Term 2 - November 2020

Jaguars’ Knowledge Organiser Autumn Term 1 - September 2020

Maths Outside - Angle fun

Computing - Whilst Learning from home, the Jaguars have improvised and created graphs on the computer to show the average rainfall (mm) and temperature (°C) in Moscow. Children used 2Graph and Excel to achieve this.

Geography - Making line graphs to show the average amount of rainfall in mm in Moscow and the average temperature in Moscow in Degrees Celsius.

Wax Resist Art based on Henry Moore's WWII Art

Jaguars' Christmas Song and Dance

Still image for this video

Remembrance Service - We made a class poppy wreath and shared WWI poems to remember those who fought for their country in war.

Year 6 Maths

WWI History - Primary Resource Investigations
