Jaguars – Year 6
Tag Rugby Festival 19.10.23
Knowledge Organiser Autumn One
Welcome to Jaguars |
I am so happy with how well Year 6 have settled into their first week back at school. Here are just a few reminders of our new timetable:
Monday: This is spelling test day so please bring in your yellow exercise book. Tuesday: You need to come into school in your P.E kit as it is P.E day. Wednesday: This is our library slot where you can change your fiction and non-fiction books if you have read them so please bring them in. Friday: You need to come into school in joggers or leggings with your school t-shirt/P.E top for nature classroom. Your legs must be covered.
Home Learning will continue to be on Doodle and we will be checking weekly to ensure you are using this.
In order to save buying new ones, you will continue to use last year's Reading Logs. You should be reading every day and writing in your log or asking an adult you live with to write in it for you.
You have made a fantastic start to Year 6 and we can't wait to show you all the exciting things you will learn about this year.
Miss Pathak