Hedgehogs – Yr 2
Welcome to the Hedgehogs of 2020-21
Year 2 curriculum
Thursday 21st May
Wednesday 20th May
Tuesday 19th May
Monday 18th May
Friday 15th May
Thursday 14th May
Wednesday 13th May
Tuesday 12th May
Monday 11th May
Thursday 7th May
Wednesday 6th May
Tuesday May 5th
May 4th
Friday 1st May
Thursday 30th April
Wednesday 29th April
Tuesday 28th April
Monday 27th April
Friday 24th April
Thursday 23rd April
Wednesday 22nd April
Tuesday 21st April
Monday 20th April
How to access online learning on Purple Mash!
Purple Mash Instructions
Bonjour from Madame Smith
This week it would be really be great if we could catch up over Zoom!
Our first meeting is scheduled for 2pm on Tuesday 31st March.
See the blog and video for more details!
Mr Kimberley enjoying the Joe Wicks exercise video today (Monday 30th March)
Can you do 10 squats a day Hedgehogs?