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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Brown Bears – Year 4

Brown Bears Knowledge Organiser Summer 2 - June 2021

Brown Bears’ Knowledge Organiser Summer Term 1 - April 2021

Brown Bears' Knowledge Organiser - Spring Term 2 - March 2021

Brown Bears' Knowledge Organiser - Spring Term 1 - January 2021

Brown Bears' Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Term 2 - November 2020

Brown Bears' Knowledge Organiser - Autumn Term 1 - September 2020

A warm welcome to the new Brown Bears

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Come on England!

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Brown Bears complete the Race for Life! Hooray!


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Stone Age

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Grinding flour the Stone Age way!

Taking part in the "Warwickshire Sings!" initiative

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This week a trampolining coach began a 10 week block of trampolining with Brown Bears.


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Brown Bears News Broadcasts

Performance Poetry - Sometimish Sea by Pauline Stewart

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The children planned how they could perform Pauline Stewart's Sometimish Sea poem. First, they explored ways of creating different sounds and actions for a calm and then angry sea.. Once their plans were complete, they recited the poem using some of these elements.


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Performance Poetry - Sometimish Sea by Pauline Stewart

Gardening - planting peas and carrots

Comic Relief - Brown Bears' Super Heroes

World Book Day 2021

Design and Technology - Roman Catapults

Design and Technology - Roman Catapults

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The Brown Bear Class were asked to design a catapult to help Emperor Claudius invade Britannia. They designed, created and then tested their catapults. Based on the testing shown they were able to evaluate and improve their models.

Brown Bears’ Knowledge Organiser Autumn Term 2 - November 2020

Brown Bears’ Knowledge Organiser Autumn Term 1 - September 2020

Year 4 Long Term Plan 2020-21