Thursday 16th July
Good Morning Ocelots,
Wow here we are the last day of term! We made it! CONGRATULATIONS!!
I am super proud of all of you and everything you have achieved this year! I can't wait to see you on the zoom later. Get ready to run and remember!
Here are your activities:
Today we have a Zoom at 1pm. Keep an eye on the blog for the Meeting ID and Password.
Write a letter to Mr Turk on Purple Mash or type it and email it to him. You might want to talk about your great qualities and some interesting facts you want him to know. Are there any worries you have or questions you want to ask?
Create your own rhythm and then perform or record it to other people in your house!
Can you have a go at designing your own summer sunglasses on Purple Mash. Fill the lenses in with things you want to see or do over the summer holidays.
Have a great day!
Stay safe and see you later!
Miss Kandola
Wednesday 15th July
Good Morning Ocelots,
It's Wednesday! One more day until the end of Year 3! Can you believe you've nearly done it!!
Here are your activities....
Have a go at the Dog and the Ball past and present 2Do.
Today you could choose a book and copy 3 sentences. Make sure you think about your ascenders, descenders and spelling of each word.
Create your own times table toons. Can you create a catchy tune to help you remember the times table facts. Use the game in your 2Do's.
Have a go at the source of light 2Do paint activity. Can you draw where the shadow is going to be?
Have a great day
Stay safe!
Miss Kandola
Tuesday 14th July
Good Morning Ocelots!
Well done for our last Monday! Here we go time for Tuesday. Get your brain buzzing back we have got our big quiz of Year 3 later!
Here are your activities for today:
Today we have a Zoom at 11:30am. Make sure you have a paper and pencil to answer the quiz questions. You have to be in it to win it! Keep an eye on the blog for the Meeting ID and password.
I have set you 'Magic Actors' - Chapter 5.
You could also log into Bug Club and have a look at some new books and activities!
Think back to all the different books you have read on Bug Club, Purple Mash and at Home. Can you complete a dictionary of all the new/ different words you have seen and then explain what they might mean.
Put yourself into the Ancient Egyptian Mashcam in your 2Do's. Can you explain their thoughts and feelings inside their speech bubble.
Watch this video to remind you of what we have learnt:
Have a great day.
Stay safe and see you later
Miss Kandola
Monday 13th July
Happy Monday Ocelots.
Can you believe it is our last week of Year 3? You have worked really hard through a strange year! Let's get started on our last week of fun!
Here are your activities for today:
Today we have a Reading Zoom at 10:15am. You will be joining in with the Tigers zoom today so join as quickly as you can and use your own name so that Mrs Wesson knows who you are. Keep an eye on the blog for the Meeting ID and password.
I have set you a Purple Mash spelling task. Y3 SPR 1 WK 2 task - 'super' prefix.
Why don't you log onto Bug Club and read some new books and have a go at some of the activities.
Today you could choose a book and copy 3 sentences. Make sure you think about your ascenders, descenders and spelling of each word.
Test your times table knowledge and have a go at the Funky Platform 2Do. Work your way through and see if you can make the end number.
Reflect back on this year and fill in this Year 3 Memory Page.
Have a great day
Stay safe and see you later
Miss Kandola