Brown Bears – Year 4
Summer Term update...
Welcome back, we hope you've all had a lovely half term break. There's still lots of exciting experiences and learning to complete and this will hopefully be on beautiful sunny days!
The Brown Bears timetable is as follows:
Monday - Spelling Test (children will need their yellow spelling books)
- PE (outdoor)
Tuesday - PE (outdoor) we will benefit from being taught by a Cricket Coach!
Thursday - Peace Explorers - Outdoor Learning uniform
Friday - Celebration Assembly (send in certificates/trophies if you want to share)
Remember to have your reading book and reading log in your bag everyday.
Home Learning - this will continue on our Home Learning App - Doodle.
In addition to this, don't forget to try to read daily and practice your Times tables as much as possible.
Best Wishes
Mrs Dix and Mrs Brookes
Knowledge Organiser - SUM 1 - Water, Water Everywhere!
Knowledge Organiser SPR 1 - The Italian Job (The Romans)
Knowledge Organiser AUT 2 - Earth, Wind (Water) and Fire!
Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser - Meet the Flintstones.
Cricket Coaching
Inspirational People PowerPoints
The life of Desmond Tutu
Outdoor Learning - RE Spirit Faces
PTA Santa Dash
Biscuithenge - We tried recreating Stonehenge using biscuits! Can you identify which biscuits represent the Bluestones and the Sarsen Stones?
In RE, we have been learning about Hinduism. We made some delicious Nankhatai Cookies!

We were AMAZING!!!

We had a great time building up our resilience with Hoop Guy! Wellbeing Week 2022!

Welcome to Year 4 Brown Bears
Mrs Brookes and I are really looking forward to working with you all.
To enable you to support your children in being prepared for school, we have included some information below from our timetable.
PE Days - Monday (Outdoor) and Thursday (Indoor)
Outdoor Learning - Tuesday (children should wear their outdoor learning uniform)
Library - Monday
Spelling Test - Monday
Home Learning - this continues on Doodle
Times Tables - frequent practice on TTRockstars
Please continue to hear your children read. This has most impact on their learning if it's just 5-10 minutes each day.
Please remember that we are around before and after school if you have questions.
We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year of learning
Mrs Dix