Zebras – YR2
Zebras’ Learning Web & Memo Summer Term 2 – June 2015
Cadbury World Trip!
Zebra Class had a fantastic time at Cadbury world on Monday 20th of April! The children enjoyed a day full of information, activities and of course...chocolate! We started our day at the 4D adventure cinema where we travelled through a fictional chocolate land. We then went through the Cadbury exhibition where we learnt all about the history of the Cadbury as well as where the idea for chocolate first originated and got to taste some delicious dairy milk liquid! We then had a very informative lesson about the process of bean to bar!

Zebras’ Learning Web & Memo Summer Term 1 – April 2015
Enterprise Project!
Cool Earth
Zebras worked incredibly hard to plan, prepare and sell Easter themed treats in aid of our chosen charity Cool Earth. We were overwhelmed by the number of people that turned up and we sold out in record breaking time! Thank you to everyone’s generosity, keep a look out for the total amount of money that was raised!

Local Walk around Cawston

Zebras’ Learning Web & Memo Spring Term 2 – February 2015
African Dance Workshop
We were lucky enough to have a dance specialist join us for a morning workshop in African Dance. The children learnt how to clap to different rhythms, learn a range of African dance moves and even brush up on their performance skills!

Roald Dahl BFG Storytelling!
What a great way to start 2015 and a new term! On Tuesday 6th of January Anthony Pedley wowed Zebra class with his fantastic storytelling performance. His version of the BFG has inspired and excited Year 2 to get writing, watch this space for some of our own marvellous stories...
Anthony Pedley-Roald Dahl Storytelling!

Zebras’ Learning Web & Memo Spring Term 1 – January 2015
Zebra class makes bread!