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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Zebras – Year 2

Here is our Knowledge Organiser for Summer 2.

Here is our Knowledge Organiser for Summer 1.

Our UK topic in Spring 2 has involved learning about life in the UK, Paddington and portraits. We also enjoyed a brilliant book week!

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Here is our Knowledge Organiser for Spring 2.

Our Great Fire of London topic in Spring 1 has produced some fabulous learning. Here is a video of some of the key moments:

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Here is our Knowledge Organiser for Spring 1.

Here is our Knowledge Organiser for Autumn 2.

Merry Christmas to you all. Here is one of the songs from our fabulous Christmas show!

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In Autumn 2 we have been enjoying our art topic linked to sculpture, using different media to create our masterpieces.

Raising money for Children in Need

In Humanities we are learning about our local area. We have looked at different scaled maps, used a compass and been on a walk looking at the human and physical features of Cawston.

Here is our Knowledge Organiser for AUT 1, so you can see what we are learning about this half-term!

20.10.23- The Zebras have performed a poem in assembly, which we would like to share with you!

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13th October- Wellbeing Week ended with Hello Yellow Day!

15th September - We have had lots of fun making our toys with moving parts this afternoon in DT!

Week 1 in Zebras- We had fun practising how to transport large branches safely in our Nature Classrrom, discussed different stages of life in Science and practised our number bonds in Maths! Well done Zebras- a brilliant first week!