Butterflies, Red Pandas and Zebras Christmas Play – Santa's On Strike
Next week (Wednesday 30 November and Thursday 1 December) Butterflies, Red Pandas and Zebras will be performing 'Santa's On Strike' at 2.00pm on both days. To book your seat please use our online booking system at
www.cawstongrangeprimaryschool.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/default. Our online booking system will open at 7pm this evening; you are able to book a maximum of one ticket for Wednesday and four tickets for Thursday's performance. A link to the online booking system can also be found at the bottom of the ‘Contact Us’ page on our website. This is the same system that you use to book Family/Teacher Consultation appointments.
It would be appreciated if very young children did not attend the Christmas performances.
If parents are unable to make alternative arrangements please ensure that the children’s presence does not interrupt the performance, allowing our young performers to give their best.