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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Harvest Festival - Friday 5 October - 9.00am

The School’s Harvest Festival will take place next Friday 5 October at 9.00am led by Year 6 Jaguars and everyone is welcome to join us. This harvest we are asking you to help feed local people in crisis by collecting tinned and dried food for Rugby foodbank.


Rugby foodbank has provided food to over 1,600 adults and 1,100 children and they have given out over 34 tonnes of food this year alone. The demands on the foodbank are growing, but the good news is that you can be part of the solution. By simply donating a tin of food you are helping make a difference in the community you live in. The foodbank requires foods from the list below to make up balanced food parcels:-

Milk (UHT or powdered), Marmalade

Long life fruit juice, Tinned Tomatoes

Tinned Custard, Tinned vegetables

Rice pudding (tinned), Instant coffee

Hot chocolate, Pasta (500g)

Tinned Potatoes, Rice (500g)

Tinned meat or fish, Tinned fruit


Thank you in advance for any contributions that you are able to make and your support for our community.