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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Learning Wishes

Last week we asked if any members of the parent body could support Year 4’s learning wishes.


The concept behind learning wishes is based on pupil ownership and engagement in learning. Classteachers introduce the topic to their year group, this is planned to cover every year group across the academic year. Pupils are then asked what they would like to learn about this topic.


For example in Year 2, the topic is ‘Surrounded by Water’. This covers Geography, English, Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology and Music in the curriculum. The children’s learning wishes have been to visit a beach, build rafts, make fishing games, create micro habitats for island mini beasts, cook and prepare Caribbean food and play steel pans. Using these ideas Year 2’s learning wishes will come true next half term!


The children are very excited about this learning and the experiences planned.


If you can help Year 4’s learning wishes come true, please contact the school.


Year 4’s Learning Wishes

Year 4 are going to be learning about natural disasters. To fulfil some of the children’s learning wishes, do any parents/carers know anyone who has been involved in a natural disaster who might be able discuss some of their experiences with the children? Has anyone visited a natural disaster site and have photographs? Do you know anyone who is an expert in volcanoes, floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters who could make a visit to the school? Do you know a survival expert? Does anyone work for Severn Trent Water? Are you a paramedic or work in rescue? Do you work with a charity that supports people following a natural disaster?