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Cawston Grange Primary School

Excellence, Respect, Friendship

Teacher-Led After School Clubs

ALL teacher-led after school clubs with the exception of Choir have now finished. Choir will finish Tuesday 12 December. Teacher-led clubs will re-start week commencing Monday 15 January 2018.

If your child currently attends Gardening or Lego Club they will not be continuing in January. Due to the amount of children wishing to join these clubs attendees with change every term. Children currently on the wait list for these clubs will be informed shortly if they will be attending in January.


Parent funded After School Clubs

These clubs have different finishing dates. Please check with each club directly for their finishing dates.

DM Football Coaching - Dan Mumford 07835 023 939.

Bayleaf Cookery Club - Bayleaf 01926 430 157.

Spanish - Stephanie Wesson 07738 857 995 or

Magical Maths Club -

Streetdance Club -

Hotshots Basketball - Mark Spatcher 07775 670 375.